Ultimate Go Programming LiveLessons

Ultimate Go Programming LiveLessons

Ultimate Go Programming LiveLessons

15+ Hours of Video Instruction Ultimate Go Programming Live Lessons provides an intensive, comprehensive, and idiomatic view of the Go programming language. This course focuses on both the specification and implementation of the language, including topics ranging from language syntax, design, and guidelines to concurrency, testing, and profiling. This class is perfect for anyone who wants a jump-start in learning Go or wants a more thorough understanding of the language and its internals.

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Go Programming Language, The

Go Programming Language, The

Go was created by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson to be an expressive and efficient language for writing readable and robust programs. Since its announcement in 2009, users of traditional, compiled languages have found Go's simplicity, high-quality libraries, and straightforward tools to be a refreshing change. Go has also been winning converts from users of dynamic languages-those who appreciate how its lightweight type system makes their code safer and faster.

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