Ultimate Survival and Redstone Guide to Minecraft, The

Ultimate Survival and Redstone Guide to Minecraft, The

Ultimate Survival and Redstone Guide to Minecraft, The

1 1/2+ Hours of Video Instruction Overview Master advanced Minecraft survival and Redstone techniquesjust watch! From the Nether to the End, to Redstone mining, travel, and defense, it's all here! Description Minecraft, unleashed: break through the limits, go everywhere, do everything! In these amazing videos, Joel Comm and Zach Comm guide you safely through the most terrifying and rewarding corners of Minecraft, and endow you with all the power of Redstone.

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Advanced Strategy Guide to Minecraft, The

The Advanced Strategy Guide to Minecraft Make Minecraft whatever YOU want it to be! After you've learned to survive in Minecraft, the fun really begins. Minecraft's advanced features support stunning creativity-and that's still just the beginning. There are custom-crafted adventure maps, massive multiplayer servers, new trading systems, new societies, and incredible mods that take Minecraft into the far future. Minecraft can be whatever you and millions of other players dream up.

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Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Server, The

Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Server, The

With 54+ million copies sold, Minecraft has become a worldwide phenomenon. For some players, single-player Minecraft is enough. Most avid players want to go further, connecting with Minecrafters worldwide on multiplayer servers. Increasingly, many want to take the next step beyond that, and host their own servers. This is the world's first complete guide to successfully hosting your Minecraft server, even if you have no networking or server administration experience.

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