Making Band Websites: Promoting and Selling Your Music
With no experience necessary, create websites for your band, album, or show!
Combines the theory and practical - with simulation tools for the understanding and design of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) communication networks. UWB is a revolutionary technology - recently receiving FCC approval. The UWB standard has several advantages including high transmission rates and the ability to carry signals while accounting for solid matter interference.
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With no experience necessary, create websites for your band, album, or show!
Learn how to create your band website with events, multiple artists and live music and podcasts, sell merchandise & more
The Acclaimed RF Microelectronics Best-Seller, Expanded and Updated for the Newest Architectures, Circuitry, and Devices Wireless communication is now almost as ubiquitous as electricity. However, the design and implementation of RF circuits and transceivers remains challenging, requiring a broad understanding of multiple disciplines, the management of complex tradeoffs, and innovative solutions for issues ranging from power to area consumption.
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