Virtualizing SQL Server with VMware: Doing IT Right

Virtualizing SQL Server with VMware: Doing IT Right

Virtualizing SQL Server with VMware: Doing IT Right

The start-to-finish guide to virtualizing business-critical SQL Server databases on VMware v Sphere 5 By virtualizing business-critical databases, enterprises can drive far more value from existing IT infrastructure. But squeezing maximum performance out of a virtualized database instance is an art as much as a science. This indispensable start-to-finish guide brings together all the techniques, tips, and insights you need to succeed.


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Virtualizing Oracle Databases on vSphere

Thousands of organizations are virtualizing large-scale Oracle database systems. But, until now, reliable best practices have been hard to find, and database and virtualization professionals have often brought differing and incompatible perspectives to the challenge. Now, there's a comprehensive best practice guide reflecting deep understanding of both Oracle and v Sphere, and supported by extensive in-the-field experience with the full spectrum of applications and environments

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