Learn HTML for Beginners!
The Structure of a Webpage
As legions of businesses scramble to set up virtual-shop, we face an unprecedented level of competition to win over and keep new customers online. At the forefront of this battleground is your ability to connect with your customers, nurture your relationships and understand the psychology behind what makes them click.
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The Structure of a Webpage
The Complete WebDeveloper
Plan, Manage, and Architect Multiple Web Sites for Maximum Efficiency and Business Value For many companies, one Web site is no longer enough. Business strategy requires multiple Web sites, each with carefully targeted audiences and marketing approaches. However, managing multiple sites introduces costs and management headaches that conventional Web architectures and methodologies can't handle.
This is the e Book version of the printed book. At the start of every web design project, the ongoing struggles reappear. We want to design highly usable and self-evident applications, but we also want to devise innovative, compelling, and exciting interactions that make waves in the market. Projects are more sophisticated than ever, but we have fewer resources with which to complete them.
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