Windows 10 Step by Step
Get more done quickly with Windows 10. Jump in wherever you need answers--brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.
Learn the simplest ways to get things done with Windows 10Here's WHAT you'll learn* Navigate Windows 10 Fall Creators Update quickly, easily, and efficiently * Get online with the sleek Microsoft Edge web browser * Make the most of the Cortana personal assistant * Efficiently manage your email, calendar, photos, and more * Access your files from anywhere with Microsoft One Drive
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Get more done quickly with Windows 10. Jump in wherever you need answers--brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.
This new edition covers the Fall Creators Update to Windows 10. Whether you have a traditional PC or a souped-up tablet with a touch screen, Windows 10 In Depth is just the guide you need to get through the learning curve and become a Windows 10 expert. The authors of Windows 10 In Depth have scaled the steepest part of the learning curve for you, and give you great guidance from the first page to the last, from your first hour with Windows 10, to long-term management and maintenance tasks.
Visual, step-by-step hands-on tutorials for the most common tasks a user needs to perform. Updated for the 2017 Spring and Fall Creator releases of Windows 10. Whether you're already using Windows 10 or are a Windows newcomer, Easy Windows 10 is the fast and easy way to discover what Microsoft's latest operating system can do for you.
Make the most of your new Windows‹¨« 10 notebook or desktop computer--without becoming a technical expert! This book is the fastest way to get comfortable, get productive, get online, get started with social networking, make more connections, and have more fun! Even if you've never used a Windows computer before, this book shows you how to do what you want, one incredibly clear and easy step at a time.
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