Windows 2000 System Administration Handbook

Windows 2000 System Administration Handbook

Windows 2000 System Administration Handbook

The ultimate, task-oriented guide to administering Windows 2000! Manage Windows 2000 for maximum performance, reliability, and efficiency! Task-oriented solutions from leading enterprise administrators Active Directory: planning, deployment, and management Secure your Windows 2000 networks, clients, and data Migrate DNS, DHCP, and WINS to Windows 2000 Save money! Centralize workstation management, step by step Active

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Old New Thing: Practical Development Throughout the Evolution of Windows, The

Old New Thing: Practical Development Throughout the Evolution of Windows, The

This is the e Book version of the printed book."Raymond Chen is the original raconteur of Windows." --Scott Hanselman, Computer"Raymond has been at Microsoft for many years and has seen many nuances of Windows that others could only ever hope to get a glimpse of. With this book, Raymond shares his knowledge, experience, and anecdotal stories, allowing all of us to get a better understanding of the operating system that affects millions of people every day.

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Old New Thing, The: Practical Development Throughout the Evolution of Windows

Old New Thing, The: Practical Development Throughout the Evolution of Windows

"Raymond Chen is the original raconteur of Windows." --Scott Hanselman, Computer"Raymond has been at Microsoft for many years and has seen many nuances of Windows that others could only ever hope to get a glimpse of. With this book, Raymond shares his knowledge, experience, and anecdotal stories, allowing all of us to get a better understanding of the operating system that affects millions of people every day.

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