College Writing 101
Master the Art of Writing the Academic Essay
This is the e Book version of the printed book.A complete, step-by-step, practical overview of the process of writing successful theses and dissertations Every year thousands of graduate students face the daunting-sometimes terrifying- challenge of writing a thesis or dissertation. But most of them have received little or no instruction on doing it well. This book shows them how in ways no other book does
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Master the Art of Writing the Academic Essay
Master brilliant writing and beat your competition with a research-based system designed by a professional writing coach
"Not many books have a single project that lives and evolves through the entire narrative. The reason not many books do this is because it is difficult to do well. Important toolkit features get shoehorned in weird places because the author didn't do enough up-front design time. This book, though, takes you from design, to a prototype, to the Real Deal
So planst, schreibst und formatierst du dein Fachbuch, deine Master-Thesis oder deine Seminar- bzw. Doktorarbeit
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