iOS 8 and Swift - How to Make a "Freaking" iPhone App
Using Xcode and Swift, learn how to develop real world iOS apps for the App Store. No programming experience required!
Xcode 6 Start To Finish acts as a tutorial, leading you through the hands-on steps necessary to build software for Apple platforms. The first part of the book will leave you with a conceptual understanding that you can build on and adapt to your own work. The sample application provides a framework for learning about the tools of Xcode 6.
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Using Xcode and Swift, learn how to develop real world iOS apps for the App Store. No programming experience required!
IOS Development
Before You Begin: Setting Up Your Development Environment Lesson 1: Introduction Lesson Introduction Swift Introduction Creating Swift Apps with Xcode 6: Creating a Playground Creating Swift Apps with Xcode 6: Creating a Project
Covering the bulk of what you need to know to develop full-featured applications for OS X, this edition is updated for OS X Yosemite (10.10), Xcode 6, and Swift. Written in an engaging tutorial style and class-tested for clarity and accuracy, it is an invaluable resource for any Mac programmer. The authors introduce the two most commonly used Mac developer tools: Xcode and Instruments. They also cover the Swift language, basic application architecture, and the major design patterns of Cocoa.
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