Project Based SQL Course: Code like a SQL Programmer
Attempt Projects and Tests on a mock database that is designed to simulate the day-to-day work of a SQL programmer
Master SQL and VBA for Efficient Access Database Development
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Attempt Projects and Tests on a mock database that is designed to simulate the day-to-day work of a SQL programmer
Let's face it, you started writing VBA in order to get rid of those annoying, redundant jobs, right? Let's really get rid of them and have someone else run your code. In these lessons, you'll learn how to interact with a person running your code. How to ask questions. How to report status. And, if something unexpected happens, how to provide a soft landing for that error, tell them what went wrong, and who they can call to solve the problem
The Language of SQL, Second Edition Many SQL texts attempt to serve as an encyclopedic reference on SQL syntax--an approach that is often counterproductive, since this information is readily available in online references published by the major database vendors. For SQL beginners, it's important for a book to focus on general concepts and offer clear explanations and examples of what the various statements can accomplish. This is that beginner book.
The Language of SQL, Third Edition Many SQL texts attempt to serve as an encyclopedic reference on SQL syntaxan approach that is often counterproductive, because that information is readily available in online references published by the major database vendors.For SQL beginners, it's more important for a book to focus on general concepts and to offer clear explanations and examples of what various SQL statements can accomplish.
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