Appium - Selenium for Mobile Automation Testing
Automate mobile testing Appium course, covering from appium download to interview questions (mobile automation tool)
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Automate mobile testing Appium course, covering from appium download to interview questions (mobile automation tool)
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Foundations of Software Testing, Second Edition is aimed at the undergraduate, the graduate student, and the practicing engineer. It presents sound engineering approaches for test generation, ion, minimization, assessment, and enhancement. Using numerous examples, it offers a lucid description of a wide range of simple to complex techniques for a variety of testing-related tasks.
Testing is central to the success of agile development, but key aspects of the tester's role remain ambiguous or misunderstood. In More Agile Testing, two world-renowned agile test experts ask tough questions about agile testing--and provide definitive answers based on the experiences of successful agile teams worldwide. Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory pioneered the agile testing discipline with their first book, Agile Testing.
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