SQL - Curso práctico de lenguaje SQL (base de datos SQLite)
SQL * SQLite * Domina el lenguaje SQL sobre SQLite, la base de datos más usada del mundo. SQL * SQLite * Base de datos
La base de datos ligera, rápida y confiable
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SQL * SQLite * Domina el lenguaje SQL sobre SQLite, la base de datos más usada del mundo. SQL * SQLite * Base de datos
This is the quick, practical, code-rich reference for every experienced web developer who wants to start using the latest versions of PHP 5.x and My SQL 5.x right now. Designed for developers who are already comfortable with older versions of PHP and/or My SQL, it offers more than 100 instantly usable code snippets: developers can just look up the technique they're interested in, and find solutions they can apply immediately
Welcome to PHP and My SQL Web Development Pearson u Certify Course PHP and My SQL Web Development u Certify Course is an easy-to-use online course that allows you to learn to create database-driven web applications using PHP and My SQL.PHP and My SQL Web Development clearly describes the basics of the PHP language, explains how to set up and work with a My SQL database, and then shows how to use PHP to interact with the database and the server.
Aprende a Consultar, Actualizar, Eliminar, Anexar, Crear tablas, Unir consultas y lenguaje SQL, paso a paso, desde cero.
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