Product Owner, Product Manager course Web3, DeX, GameFi, NFT
Gain proven knowledge and skills to build successful projects as a Product Manager, Product Owner. 2023.
The most complete course available on Product Management. 13+ hours of videos, activities, interviews, & more
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Gain proven knowledge and skills to build successful projects as a Product Manager, Product Owner. 2023.
2+ Hours of Video Instruction Learn the essential skills you need to be a highly productive Product Manager The exact roles, responsibilities and requirements of the product manager tend to be very broad and vary depending on the organization. However, the overarching role of the product manager is to drive teams to achieve outcomes and act as the central point of communication for anything product related. Ultimately, a product manager is a mini-CEO of a product.
The Complete Course for Becoming a Successful Product Manager in the Field of AI & Data Science
Learn how to sell a product, a service or yourself, so you can get customers, a job, a raise or a promotion!
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