50 English Phrases, Idioms, and Expressions for ESL Students
Learn idioms and expressions in spoken English with clear and easy-to-understand explanations of each phrase.
Learn 65 of the most commonly used idioms in the English language
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Learn idioms and expressions in spoken English with clear and easy-to-understand explanations of each phrase.
Learning meanings and pronunciation of Idioms and collocations is key to unlocking fluency in English Language.
In Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths of Language Usage, acclaimed linguist and Professor John McWhorter dispels the cloud of confusion that clings to English and gives you a crystal-clear view of why we use it the way we do. Throughout these 24 lectures, you'll discover the true answers to these and other questions that continue to perplex us all: Is English, as a language, in crisis? Should grammar always be logical? Does texting degrade writing? By the end of this course, you're sure to start thinking about English in a new way.
Learn English Language Idioms to Improve Your English Fluency, English Speaking, English Listening (240+ English Idioms)
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