Golang Programming Inside Out : A Total Reference
Golang is open source . Fast compilation. In-built concurrency support. Light weight processes, goroutines & channels .
Google Protobuf with examples and exercises. Code in Java Go Python. Say Goodbye to JSON & XML. Pre-req to gRPC
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Golang is open source . Fast compilation. In-built concurrency support. Light weight processes, goroutines & channels .
Everything you need to learn in Go (Golang) programming language. Point to point based explanation with simple examples.
This is the e Book version of the printed book.This book introduces the new Go programming language. Coverage begins with an introduction to the history and philosophy of the language, helping you to understand the reasons for various parts of the syntax and semantics. You will then learn about the design patterns for writing scalable code in Go and have a guided tour of the standard library.
Learn the basic features of Golang in an hour
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