Introduction to Eating Disorders (Fully Accredited)
A Comprehensive Overview
Learn how to create beautiful opt-in pages for yourself or your clients using a unique easy to use template framework
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As you read this sentence, your brain has just processed about 20 million bits of information. And yet, that astonishing number just isn’t enough to get you through your day. Consequently, your brain takes some shortcuts, including cognitive biases—when the brain fills in gaps of solid, reliable information with a lot of guesswork for efficiency’s sake. In Understanding Cognitive Biases, Dr. Alexander B. Swan uses examples from psychology experiments, history, politics, movies, TV, comics, social media, and more to illustrate dozens of cognitive biases that affect us all and shows you how to combat them for a clearer, more accurate view of the world.
Never before have we been able to acquire, record, communicate, and use information in so many different forms. This revolution goes far beyond limitless content—information also underlies our understanding of ourselves, the natural world, and the universe. Discover how the concepts of information reveal breathtaking insights into the workings of nature, even as they lay the foundation of astounding new technologies.
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