MapReduce Design Patterns
MapReduce Design Patterns
A to Z of Hadoop Mapreduce - From Scratch to Real Time Implementation of Mapreduce by HANDS-ON Coding of every component
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MapReduce Design Patterns
As adoption of Hadoop accelerates in the enterprise and beyond, there's soaring demand for those who can solve real world problems by applying advanced data science techniques in Hadoop environments. Now there's a complete and up-to-date guide to data science with Hadoop: high-level concepts, deep-dive techniques, practical applications, hands-on tutorials, and real-world use cases.
Stop searching the web for out-of-date, fragmentary, and unreliable information about running Hadoop! Now, there's a single source for all the authoritative knowledge and trustworthy procedures you need: Expert Hadoop 2 Administration: Managing Spark, YARN, and Map Reduce. Pioneering Hadoop/Big Data administrator Sam R.
This is the only complete foundational guide to virtualizing Hadoop and deploying it in the cloud. The authors demystify all aspects of virtualizing Hadoop at scale, empowering DBAs, BI specialists, integrators, architects, and managers to deploy quickly and achieve outstanding performance.¨Hadoop as a Service combines exceptional clarity for Hadoop newcomers with realistic examples for building deep technical skill.
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