Introduction to Raspberry Pi
Learn how to create software and hardware projects using Raspberry Pi and Python.
Learn how to use GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi to create hardware projects and interact with the physical world.
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Learn how to create software and hardware projects using Raspberry Pi and Python.
DIY hardware hacking...easy as Pi r! Raspberry Pi is taking off like a rocket! You can use this amazing, dirt-cheap, credit card-sized computer to learn powerful hardware hacking techniques as you build incredibly creative and useful projects! This complete, full-color guide requires absolutely no experience with either hardware hacking or computer programming. Colorful photos guide you through each project, and the step-by-step instructions are stunningly clear and easy! 1.
"Not many books have a single project that lives and evolves through the entire narrative. The reason not many books do this is because it is difficult to do well. Important toolkit features get shoehorned in weird places because the author didn't do enough up-front design time. This book, though, takes you from design, to a prototype, to the Real Deal
One of the joys of product development, whether it be software, service, or hardware, is getting it right. The way to get it right is to uncover the real business problem, and to write the requirements for the solution that best solves that problem.Without the right requirements it is impossible to build the right solution.
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