Hands on Swift Language. Visual way with Light Programming
Step by step way to learn the Swift language the easy way. We assume you know nothing. Full Source Codes included. iOS 8
Get iOS interview ready and ace the whiteboard test - Or level up your current Swift skills (Updated to Swift 5)
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Step by step way to learn the Swift language the easy way. We assume you know nothing. Full Source Codes included. iOS 8
Get started fast with Swift programming for i OS and OS X Learning Swift Programming is a fast-paced, hands-on introduction to writing production-quality i OS and OS X apps with Apple's new programming language. Written for developers with previous experience in any other modern language, this book explains Swift simply and clearly, using relevant examples that solve realistic problems.
Introducing the World's first Microcontroller that harnesses the power of Swift programming - Code, Create, Control
Through the authors' carefully constructed explanations and examples, you will develop an understanding of Swift grammar and the elements of effective Swift style - all thoroughly revised for Swift 5.2 and Xcode 11. Throughout the book, the authors share their insights into Swift to ensure that you understand the hows and whys of Swift and can put that understanding to use in different contexts.
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