Speak Swahili For Beginners
Number One Course on The Market For Learning The Swahili Language
Learn how to speak Swahili, a common language spoken in East Africa.
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Number One Course on The Market For Learning The Swahili Language
Learn Swahili Language "Stage One"
Speak and be heard with the practical tips and strategies in this two-course set. In How to Speak so That People Want to Listen, become a more confident and successful communicator in every context, with help from exercises you can practice before speaking engagements. And in How to Speak Effectively in Any Setting, learn the fine art of speaking clearly, effectively, and persuasively in contexts across the spectrum, from the board room to the bar room and everywhere in between.
Language shapes our experience, our thinking, our perceptions, and the very social systems within which our lives unfold. In these 24 revealing lectures, you’ll discover the remarkable ways in which our society is a reflection of our language; how differences in the way people use language create differences in society; and ultimately how our linguistic choices play a determining role in every aspect of our lives.
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