Master Jira Search & Jira Query Language (JQL)
Jira Software | Jira Service Management | All Users | Project Managers | Software Engineers | Support Agents | Admins
Overview of using jira to set up your first project+how to use it for scrum agile project management
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Jira Software | Jira Service Management | All Users | Project Managers | Software Engineers | Support Agents | Admins
Jira Training of 6+ hours. Jira course from scratch, you can start using Jira in Project as expertafter this tutorials.
Want to work smarter, faster and more productively?Agile is an innovative way of working that will help you deliver high quality products and services cost-effectively, to embrace change and keep improving as you go.
Agile methods can improve many facets of software development, from quality and speed, to business value and personal career fulfillment. But agile success isn't easy. Often, new adopters don't know where to start. Introduction to Agile Methods is the solution. Extensively tested in academic and corporate settings, this guide brings together all the insights and tips you need to get started and succeed with agile.
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