Language Hacking: Learn a New Language as an Adult

Language Hacking: Learn a New Language as an Adult

Language Hacking: Learn a New Language as an Adult

Your Guide to Learning Any New Language (Including Worksheets)


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The Secret Life of Words: English Words and Their Origins

It’s a human impulse to play with language and to create new words and meanings—but also to worry about the decay of language. But by studying how and why language changes and the story behind the everyday words in our lexicon, we can learn a lot about ourselves—how our minds work and how our culture has changed over the centuries. In The Secret Life of Words: English Words and Their Origins, you’ll get a delightful, informative survey of English, from its Germanic origins to the rise of globalization and cyber-communications. Award-winning Professor Anne Curzan of the University of Michigan approaches the subject like an archaeologist, digging below the surface to uncover the story of words.

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