Apache Kafka Series - Kafka Streams for Data Processing
Learn the Kafka Streams API with Hands-On Examples, Learn Exactly Once, Build and Deploy Apps with Java 8
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Learn the Kafka Streams API with Hands-On Examples, Learn Exactly Once, Build and Deploy Apps with Java 8
6+ Hours of Video Instruction Java 8 Lambda Expressions and Streams Live Lessons, 2nd Edition, covers the most important new features introduced in Java 8. The video training is presented by Marty Hall, a bestselling author, world-renowned instructor, and president of the training company coreservlets.com.If you are comfortable with previous Java versions and want to learn the new Java 8 features as quickly as possible, continue on: You are in the right place.
Learn Functional programming using Lambdas, Streams , new Date APIs, Optionals in Java 8 by coding it.
Learn an Approach That Can Skyrocket Your Streams
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