Artificial Intelligence In Hotel Management
How hotels use artificial intelligence to serve guest better, Leveraging artificial intelligence to boost sales etc.
uniform system of accounting, USALI, hotel financial statements, market segmentation, Room Profit & Loss statement
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How hotels use artificial intelligence to serve guest better, Leveraging artificial intelligence to boost sales etc.
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어려운 발표와 연설, 프레젠테이션을 쉽게 만들어줄 스킬 강의 | 페이지 부터 스테이지까지 | 긴장감 해소 방법, 의상과 외모에 대한 디테일한 조언까지 포함 되어 있습니다
'An excellent guide to the practical analysis of the value and risks of companies. Very well written and easy to comprehend whilst not avoiding real-life difficulties - the best book on company analysis and valuation Ive read.' Jon Moulton, Chairman, Better Capital 'Excellent. A comprehensive and insightful view of the world of stock market investment. Fully deserves to become the investors' vade mecum.' David Webster, Chairman, Inter Continental Hotels Group 'Impressive.
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