Microsoft SQL for Beginners
A comprehensive course to teach you how to complete SQL queries using Microsoft SQL Server and the T-SQL language.
Query SQL Server, OLAP Cubes, Data Mining Models, Tabular Cubes & OLTP Database with 4 query languages & 1000+ queries
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A comprehensive course to teach you how to complete SQL queries using Microsoft SQL Server and the T-SQL language.
Starting with the background to T-SQL querying and programming, including: logical query processing, book-querying constructs (single table queries, joins, subqueries, table expressions, set operators, data analysis), data modifications, temporal tables, transactions and concurrency, SQL Graph (completely new to this edition), as well as programmatic T-SQL constructs
We will see multiple SQL features to select data, filtering data, aggregating data, and set operations using SQL Server
Most T-SQL developers recognize the value of window functions for data analysis calculation. But window functions can do far more than that, and optimizations in recent versions of SQL Server have made them more powerful than ever.
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