Metaverse and Bitcoin Fundamentals Course
Get in the Metaverse and use Bitcoin to make most out of Web 3.0 and Metaverse Revolution
A Complete Guide to Metaverse, Avatars and Web 3.0 and the tech involved all explained from scratch for you all.
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Get in the Metaverse and use Bitcoin to make most out of Web 3.0 and Metaverse Revolution
Learn about metaverse, web 3.0, NFT, blockchain, defi, & more!
The certification aims to provide a deeper understanding of the Metaverse and offer you a glimpse of the emerging future of the Web and the way we will interact with it. Successful completion of this certification will enable you to comprehend Metaverse more effectively, giving you a significant advantage in the newly emerging digital world.
Understanding various technologies embraced in Web 3.0 world
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