Learn Piano #4 - Predict chord progressions - Circle of 5th
Learn Music Theory & use Circle of 5ths to create 3 Jazzy sounding piano chord progressions & smooth chord voicing
Guitar, Piano, Ukulele - Advanced Music Theory - Use Tritone substitutes to create Jazzy sounds & chromatic turn arounds
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Learn Music Theory & use Circle of 5ths to create 3 Jazzy sounding piano chord progressions & smooth chord voicing
Secret Tips fully revealed - Circle of 5ths - Major Keys, Chord Progressions - Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, Piano, Violin etc
Covers ALL 7 sections: rhythm, pitch, keys and scales, intervals, chords, terms and signs, music in context
Covers ALL 7 sections: rhythm, pitch, keys and scales, intervals, tonic triads, terms and signs, music in context
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