Curso Medio de Criptomonedas Jonycabesa
Profundiza en estrategias y análisis para dominar el mercado cripto con seguridad.
¡Explore más a fondo el mundo web3, aprenda sobre el gas, la minería y cómo funciona la Prueba de trabajo, y cree dApps!
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Profundiza en estrategias y análisis para dominar el mercado cripto con seguridad.
Create dApps, Defi, NFTs, Solana Tokens. With Web3.js, Metaplex, Smart Contracts, React, Typescript
NFT, METAVERSO, Criar sua NFT, Cryptogames, WEB 3.0, DEFI, Criptomoedas e muito mais!
Take Control of Your Project in the Final Stage of Software Development In software development, projects are won or lost during the project endgame-that final stage of software development between release for testing and release to customers. Software Endgames: Eliminating Defects, Controlling Change, and the Countdown to On-Time Delivery presents the core strategies for delivering working software to your customers.
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