Non Directional Weekly Options Trading System - ETF & Emini
The Art of Non Directional Trading using ETF SPY and Emini S&P 500 Options to gain consistent result
A Strategy that work for all market condition - Earn Time Decay with this strategy and be in and out within 10 - 15 days
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The Art of Non Directional Trading using ETF SPY and Emini S&P 500 Options to gain consistent result
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In this book, a hedge fund manager and an option trading coach show you how to earn steady, reliable income selling options by managing your option trades and running your option portfolio as a real business with consistent, steady returns. Packed with real-world examples, the authors show you how to manage your own "one man" hedge fund and make consistent profits from selling options by applying the basic framework and fundamental business model and principles of an "insurance company".
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