Unlock Python Regular Expressions
Python Regular Expressions are not as hard to master as they seem. Buckle up for a 100% hands-on learning journey!
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Python Regular Expressions are not as hard to master as they seem. Buckle up for a 100% hands-on learning journey!
Learn Python Regular Expressions from Scratch. Lots of examples - 4 Real World Case Studies - 1 Project
In this Live Lessons video, Perl author and trainer Peter Scott builds on the foundation established in his successful Perl Fundamentals. It provides Perl developers with the practical knowledge they need to create complex programs for today's demanding applications. After a prerequisite review and a tour of some more advanced regular expression features, this course takes off down a path of crafting and using reusable code.
True to its name, this lesson covers the basic language syntax rules: code structure, statements, delimitation, variables, assignment, plus rules and guidelines for identifier names. Of course, those are language independent aspects, but the latter part of the lesson focuses on Python-specifics such as keywords and built-in functions.
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