Make a 2D Flappy Bird Game in Unity®: Code in C# & Make Art!
Build a Flappy Bird-inspired game to learn to code & make art in Photoshop. Ultimate guide for aspiring game developers.
Do you want to ride the trends of the Flappy Bird game? Create your own clone with this course + source code included.
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Build a Flappy Bird-inspired game to learn to code & make art in Photoshop. Ultimate guide for aspiring game developers.
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This is the e Book version of the printed book. We can't just design content for one channel, device or medium anymore; we need to design responsive structured content to reach customers anytime, anywhere, and on any device. And we can't do that until we can define how each element associated with a content object should be effectively written to respond to different customer needs and context of the content as well as changes in display and different capabilities of devices.
Accompanied by exceptionally rich visuals, from vivid color images and diagrams to video clips of bird behavior, animations, and moving graphics, The Scientific Wonder of Birds unfolds as a thrilling and many-sided panorama of avian life. Ultimately, this course offers you remarkable insight into some of the most beautiful and extraordinary of living creatures.
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