Die komplette Krypto-Mining Masterclass
In diesem Kurs lernst du alles um dein erstes eigenes Mining-Rig zu bauen: Theorie, Hardware, Software & Sicherheit!
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In diesem Kurs lernst du alles um dein erstes eigenes Mining-Rig zu bauen: Theorie, Hardware, Software & Sicherheit!
A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to build a super-efficient crypto-mining rig (free E-book text book!)
Enter the exciting world of Arduino microcontroller platform, sensors, actuators, and interfacing.
Today, everyone in the sciences, engineering, and related disciplines needs at least basic programming skills. Python is an ideal language to start with, and this broad-based, application-driven guide is the perfect guide to learn it from. Princeton's Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, and Robert Dondero have crafted an easy, intelligent, broad-based introduction to programming that draws on a wide spectrum of relevant applications from science, mathematics, engineering, and commercial computing.
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