Blockchain and Bitcoin Simplified 2023
An introduction to a revolutionary technology which is set to alter many industries.
Unlock the Potential of real Innovation: Connectivity, AR/VR/MR, IoT, Robotics, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence
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An introduction to a revolutionary technology which is set to alter many industries.
Innovation can take you from failure to success, but if you need a helping hand then Think Like An Innovator can help you.
Profitable innovation doesn't just happen. It must be managed, measured, and properly executed, and few companies know how to accomplish this effectively. Making Innovation Work presents a formal innovation process proven to work at HP, Microsoft and Toyota, to help ordinary managers drive top and bottom line growth from innovation. The authors have drawn on their unsurpassed innovation consulting experience -- as well as the most thorough review of innovation research ever performed.
Avoid failure by making the smart choice from the start. Choosing the right market for your innovation is the first, and trickiest, question for innovators. Research has shown that all too often entrepreneurs don't spend enough time researching the first stage - instead they jump at the first opportunity that looks good, and fail to properly evaluate other opportunities. These common mistakes means that you often choose the wrong market and pursue too many opportunities at once.
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