Mastering Backtesting for Algorithmic Trading
Unlock the Power of Historical Simulations – Hands on Approach
* A Ferramenta para o Sucesso nas Decisões *
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Unlock the Power of Historical Simulations – Hands on Approach
The next generation of really difficult problems will be statistical, not deterministic: the solutions will be buried beneath layers of noise. Bayesian methods offer data scientists powerful flexibility in solving these brutally complex problems. However, Bayesian methods have traditionally required deep mastery of complicated math and advanced algorithms, placing them off-limits to many who could benefit from them.
Humans have been having fun and games with mathematics for thousands of years. Along the way, they've discovered the amazing utility of this field—in science, engineering, finance, games of chance, and many other aspects of life. This course of 24 half-hour lectures celebrates the sheer joy of math, taught by a mathematician who is literally a magician with numbers. Professor Arthur T. Benjamin shows how everything in mathematics is connected—how the beautiful and often imposing edifice that has given us algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, probability, and so much else is based on nothing more than fooling around with numbers.
Build Simulate Powerful Models in Matlab, Simulink, SimScape. Master Transfer Functions, PID, AI/ML & Live Scripts!
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