Apache Spark and Scala
Apache Spark and Scala
Spark Scala Framework, Hive, IntelliJ, Maven, Logging, Exception Handling, log4j, ScalaTest, JUnit, Structured Streaming
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Apache Spark and Scala
Apache Spark and Scala Certification Training is designed to provide knowledge and skills to become a successful Spark Developer and prepare you for the Cloudera Certified Associate Spark Hadoop Developer Certification Exam CCA175. You will get in-depth knowledge of concepts such as HDFS, Flume, Sqoop, RDDs, Spark Streaming, MLlib, SparkSQL, Kafka cluster & API by taking this Course.
Apache Spark Certification Training is designed to prepare you for the Cloudera Hadoop and Spark Developer Certification Exam (CCA175). You will get an in-depth knowledge on Apache Spark and the Spark Ecosystem, which includes Spark RDD, Spark SQL, Spark MLlib and Spark Streaming. You will get comprehensive knowledge on Scala Programming language, HDFS, Sqoop, FLume, Spark GraphX and Messaging System such as Kafka.
Data Engineering Spark Hive Python PySpark Scala Coding Framework Testing IntelliJ Maven Glue Databricks Delta Lake
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