FAA Part 107 Simplified | UAV Campus Drone License Course
Master the Skies: Your Complete Guide to Passing the FAA Part 107 Exam and Becoming a Certified Drone Pilot
Learn every step of starting a brand new drone services business, from marketing to sales to cinematic flight training
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Master the Skies: Your Complete Guide to Passing the FAA Part 107 Exam and Becoming a Certified Drone Pilot
Inexpensive consumer drones have "taken off," creating what can only be described as drone mania amongst a diverse range of potential users. Because camera-carrying drones still really only exist on the edge between hobby and the mainstream, there is still a lot of confusion about what these small drones are capable of doing. This video is for anyone who wants to learn how to capture photos or videos from the new perspectives unlocked by freedom of camera movement in the vertical dimension.
You've read about drones. You've seen drones. Now, build your own personal drone! Drones are the newest frontier for the DIY/maker community -- and you don't need to be an electronics or programming expert to create your own. John Baichtal, the #1 best-selling author of hardware hacking books for beginners, will guide you gently up the learning curve, teaching you all the skills you need.
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