S&OP - Sales and Operations Planning - the how too, why for.
Mastering Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP): Driving Efficiency and Collaboration for Business Success
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Mastering Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP): Driving Efficiency and Collaboration for Business Success
Expand your supply chain planning knowledge with an eye on the changing supply chain landscape
Supply chain professionals: master pioneering techniques for integrating demand and supply, and create demand forecasts that are far more accurate and useful! In Demand and Supply Integration, Dr. Mark Moon presents the specific design characteristics of a world-class demand forecasting management process, showing how to effectively integrate demand forecasting within a comprehensive Demand and Supply Integration (DSI) process.
Global supply chain decision-makers and practitioners are about to face brutally tough new challenges. They will be called upon to manage supply and demand in a world marked by demographic and economic shifts that will turn their supply and demand markets upside down. They will have to secure crucial supplies in an era when resources are severely constrained.
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