Hindi Made Easy: The Complete Language Course for Beginners
Discover the Bollywood-inspired way to learn Hindi. Master grammar, vocabulary and conversation...
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Discover the Bollywood-inspired way to learn Hindi. Master grammar, vocabulary and conversation...
Great World Religions: Hinduism provides you with an engaging window into the roots of a faith that is perhaps the most diverse of all, and which rejects the notion that there is one path to the divine. Over the course of Hinduism's 5,000-year journey, you'll explore the pantheon of Hindu gods and goddesses; the sacred writings in the Vedas, the Bhagavad-gita, and the Upanishads; the Aryan language of Sanskrit; and much more. As you move chronologically through Hinduism's history—from its earliest precursors to its classical manifestations to its responses to the modern era—you continually place salient aspects of Hindu life and worship in historical and theological framework. The result is an engaging and comprehensive look at the world's oldest living religious tradition.
Learn to read and speak the Hindi language with the correct Hindi pronunciation along with their English translation.
어려운 발표와 연설, 프레젠테이션을 쉽게 만들어줄 스킬 강의 | 페이지 부터 스테이지까지 | 긴장감 해소 방법, 의상과 외모에 대한 디테일한 조언까지 포함 되어 있습니다
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