Time Value of Money with Excel
A Practitioner's Approach
The Busy Professionals Health and Fitness Guide To Pain Free, Flexible Hips, Back and Neck Even If You Sit All Day Long
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A Practitioner's Approach
A Short and Sweet, but In-Depth Course For Busy Professionals
With a radically new approach to redesigning your career--get more passion, more fulfillment...better work-life balance...and real financial freedom! You only have one life. Why not love what you do? Discover how others have made it happen--and how you can too! One step at a time, learn how to Start spending more time in a career you enjoy and less on work you hate... Identify career choices you'll love and build your skills to match them... Transform and "layoff-proof" your current job...
Products, technologies, and workplaces change so quickly today that everyone is continually learning. Many of us are also teaching, even when it's not in our job descriptions. Whether it's giving a presentation, writing documentation, or creating a website or blog, we need and want to share our knowledge with other people
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