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Economía, Finanzas y Negocios de las finanzas Descentralizadas. ¡Aprenda a Ganarte un Sobre-Sueldo con las DeFi!
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Economía, Finanzas y Negocios de las finanzas Descentralizadas. ¡Aprenda a Ganarte un Sobre-Sueldo con las DeFi!
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Learn to cope with uncertainty and risk with advice from a master economist. Economic uncertainty is like the weather: you can’t stop storms, but understanding them prepares you. Uncertainty is beyond our control, but when you take the mystery and dread out of uncertainty, you can respond much more effectively. The practical and empowering lectures of The Economics of Uncertainty give you tools to deal with risk.
This is the e Book version of the printed book.For years, investors, business strategists, and policymakers worldwide have turned to one book to help them translate the massive flow of economic data into knowledge for intelligent decision-making. The Wall Street Journal called this book "... the real deal," saying it "miraculously breathes life into economic indicators and statistics." That book is Bernie Baumohl's classic best-seller The Secrets of Economic Indicators
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