Simple Yoga
Simple Yoga Training
Stretch, strengthen, tone & relax with quick beginner yoga routines
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Simple Yoga Training
Today, millions of people practice yoga, from young to old, from the hyper-athletic to those dealing with chronic diseases. The 12 half-hour lectures of Yoga for a Healthy Mind and Body, taught by acclaimed yoga teacher Dr. Heidi Sormaz, are the ideal first step for a newcomer and a fascinating journey of discovery for those who already practice. After covering the history of yoga and its physiological effects, Dr. Sormaz takes you through a diverse set of routines, introducing the basics of hatha yoga along with the more specialized practices of Iyengar yoga, power yoga, yin yoga, Anusara yoga, and Forrest yoga. You don’t just learn how to do the poses; you learn how conscious breathing and a focus on mindfulness can open the door to yoga’s many benefits that go beyond improved physical health.
Get started and practice Yoga to promote good health - now and in the future!
yoga for life
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