The Power of the Human Mind Masterclass
Learn how to use your conscious, control your subconscious and connect to the supraconscious part of your mind.
Join distinguished philosopher, psychologist, and award-winning Professor Daniel N. Robinson and explore fascinating questions about human consciousness in Consciousness and Its Implications. You'll probe the depths of this mysterious subject from the perspective of the philosopher, the psychologist, the scientist, and the doctor. A master storyteller, Professor Robinson brings this riveting topic to life with real-world examples and striking anecdotes about smart computers, sleepwalkers, comatose patients, zombies, and more. An in-depth guide to a subject we're learning more about every day, this course will change how you think about your own mind.
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Easy Tools To Understand The Conscious & Unconscious Movements & Postures By Which Attitudes & Feelings Are Communicated
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