Marty Neumeier's INNOVATION WORKSHOP: Brand Strategy + Design Thinking = Transformation (Online Streaming Video)

Marty Neumeier's INNOVATION WORKSHOP: Brand Strategy + Design Thinking = Transformation (Online Streaming Video)

Marty Neumeier's INNOVATION WORKSHOP: Brand Strategy + Design Thinking = Transformation (Online Streaming Video)

This is a streaming video that will not download to your computer. After making your purchase online, you can log into your Peachpit account page to view the video anytime, anywhere with Internet access. Run time: 47 minutes.MARTY NEUMEIER'S INNOVATION WORKSHOPIn this streaming video, brand guru Marty Neumeier presents concepts from his three bestselling "whiteboard" books--THE BRAND GAP, ZAG, and THE DESIGNFUL COMPANY--to give you the tools you'll need to thrive in the new economy.

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