Power Excel 2007: Excel Customizations, Downloadable Version
These five power-packed videos demonstrate how to customize the Excel environment, how to customize all future workbooks, and how to quickly copy worksheet templates
These lessons will instruct you how to take data to multiple worksheets or multiple workbooks. It will also show you how to construct those worksheets or workbooks on the fly. Watch how to split a large dataset to create one workbook for, say, every customer. Then see the opposite, you'll take every single workbook in a folder and bring them back into one large worksheet.
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These five power-packed videos demonstrate how to customize the Excel environment, how to customize all future workbooks, and how to quickly copy worksheet templates
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Think about setting up a dual-workbook system - one workbook has all the data; the other workbook has all the code. When you get to the point where you are sending your macros out to be run by everyone in the sales force; this technique will save you months of headaches.
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