Ruby On Rails
Ruby On Rails
Develop a real world Rails project using TDD/BDD, including a step by step guide to building professional applications.
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Ruby On Rails
The Rails‹¨« 5 Way is the only comprehensive, authoritative guide to delivering production-quality code with Rails 5. Kevin Faustino joins pioneering Rails developer Obie Fernandez to illuminate the entire Rails 5 API, including its most powerful and modern idioms, design approaches, and libraries. They present extensive new and updated content on Rails API, web sockets using Action Cable, RSpec 3.4, Turbolinks 5.0, and more.
This is the e Book version of the printed book.It's easy to write "correct" Ruby code. But it's far harder to gain the fluency needed to write great Ruby code. To do that, you need to go beyond syntax and absorb the "Ruby way" of thinking and problem solving. In Eloquent Ruby, Russ Olsen helps you understand Ruby like true Rubyists do--so you can leverage its immense, surprising power. Olsen draws on years of experience internalizing the Ruby culture and teaching Ruby to other programmers.
Rubyisms is an examination of how the style of Ruby informs the design of Rails. In particular, it looks at a few specific examples of how Rails' internal code is implemented in Ruby to instruct about Ruby's design principles. The main goal is simply aesthetic appreciation.
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